E87-puteran ceuli-hook dina ceuli nirkabel bluetooth earphone

E87-puteran ceuli-hook dina ceuli nirkabel bluetooth earphone

Katerangan pondok:

*Bluetooth 4.2

* Batré litium polimér

* Waktu nelepon: 10 jam

* Waktu sayaga: 180 jam

* 180 ° Rotasi bébas switching, pinter noel

Rincian produk

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Rincian produk

1.Kénca Jeung Katuhu Ceuli Rotary Dina Ceuli Bluetooth Headset.Comfortable ceuli hook pikeun daya tahan lila.

2.Internal Jeung External Pelatihan Konfigurasi Hardware Kuat, kualitas sora HiFi, rongga bebas, diwangun-di kasatiaan tinggi spiker layar pinuh kualitas sora HiFi pikeun Ceuli Anjeun.

3.13 Jam Long Endurance Music Goes On All Day.Built in high-capacity accu, high-end configuration, fast charging and long battery life, so that music can be joyed continuously Call/music approx 13h Stand by duration 120day.

4.180 ° Rotasi Gratis Gampang Ngalihkeun Antara Kénca sareng Katuhu Ears.Intelligently ngaidentipikasi kaayaan ngecas sareng otomatis motong beban.

5.HD Phone One Touch Answer,Easier call answering and safe driving.Meticulous Feather Like Skin,The earphone surface is sprayed with rubber paint, which is as hipu as a feather Nyaman jeung meticulous indrawi pangalaman.

6.Fitting Ceuli Hook Pikeun Painless Maké,Desain gantung ceuli diadopsi, sarta awak streamlined fits auricle Jieun Ceuli anjeun leuwih nyaman jeung masihan anjeun pangalaman maké hadé tanpa bareuh sarta nyeri pikeun lila.

Detil Gambar

210927-E87 (1) 210927-E87 (2) 210927-E87 (3) 210927-E87 (4) 210927-E87 (5) 210927-E87 (6) 210927-E87 (7) 210927-E87 (8) 210927-E87 (9)

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